Risky Black Hat Seo Tactics to Avoid

Risky Black Hat Seo Tactics to Avoid

Keyword Stuffing

Keyword Stuffing

Keywords are the words that perfectly describe the content on your site and the common words that users use to search your content.



Cloaking provides different content or URLs to users and search engine crawlers to manipulate the site's ranking on SERP.

Article Spinning

Article Spinning

It means taking an article and changing words and sentences, using synonyms, and producing 2-3 extra articles with the same content to save time and have more content.

Buying Links

Buying Links

Getting good links for your website is a task due to which there are practices of buying links for your website.

Duplicate Content

Duplicate Content

Getting good links for your website is a task due to which there are practices oVarious sites have content similar to yours, which is normal. That does not mean that you go on to copy another site's content to get content for your website.f buying links for your website.

Page Swapping

Page Swapping

Page swapping is a black hat SEO tactic that replaces a page's content after search engines index it.

URL Hijack

URL Hijack

To gain users and rank higher, some websites use the same name as famous sites with minor changes in the spelling and misleading the users.

Stay on the right side of SEO!

Stay on the right side of SEO!